County clerks do not have to provide county records to the public under the
Freedom of Information Act, since it is a Federal act.  I have tried using
that in the past, and it did not work!  I was successful, however, in using
the Code of Virginia.  I do not have the specific reference at hand, but
there is a law in the Code of Virginia that specifically states that the
public may have access to county records.  It is the job of the clerk to
safeguard the records, however.  The clerk, by law, has to let you see the
record, but he does not have to let you touch it!  If the clerk refuses to
let you view the record, you have the right to take him to court and, by
law, you would win.  Most people would not go that far, and that is why
some clerks are able to get away with preventing the public from seeing
certain records.

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