 Check this out.
Rommel and the Rebel by Lawrence Wells 
Rommel did study Nathan Bedford Forrest.

 From: "Barbara Vines Little, CG, FNGS, FVGS" <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 8:16 AM
Subject: [VA-HIST] Did Rommel visit Culpeper
In a recent conversation, my husband heard that the German general Erwin Rommel,who was interested in the Civil War, especially Stonewall Jackson, visited the US in the 1930s and spent some time in Culpeper. Does anyone know if this is true and/or where I might find information about it.

Barbara Vines Little, CG, FNGS, FVGS

PO Box 1273
Orange, VA 22960
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