
Abigail Adams was aghast at the irresponsibility when the two girls landed
in England. (HERB COMMENT): Is she to be considered to be sexually noticed
by TJ if Abigail's and the ship Captain assessment is correct.......I think
not. And especially in a Paris setting with all the beautiful women at hand.

Sally became a servant in Jefferson's household in France and was paid a 
wage under French laws. Jefferson was required by French law to register any

slaves he brought with him. He registered neither James nor his sister 
Sally. Sally had the right to petition the court for her freedom (which 
would have made public the embarassment of Jefferson's failure to follow 
French law). James, who had been highly trained in French cooking, agreed to

go back on the condition that he would be freed as soon as he trained a 
replacement. Madison said that Sally agreed to go back on condition that her

children would be freed. (HERB COMMENT): We don't believe Madison's claim in
the defective Pike Co. newspaper do we? Remember their MISINFORMATION there
on his claims as being named by Dolley. How can we believe anything there?
If there "was" such an agreement why would TJ go back on it and NOT legally
free Beverly at 21 instead of letting him "run away" at age 24. Was he not a
man to honor agreements? Why not, per perceived agreement, did he not
legally free Harriet II as she became 21, instead of allowing her to "run
away?" Runaways, as we know, could be brought back if found, so why take
this embarrassing chance....just follow the "imagined but unproven
agreement" formed in Paris??     

Sally was, when they left France, pregnant at age 
16. Jefferson never recorded the outcome of that prenancy in his farm book.
(HERB COMMENT): Again, this was a Madison claim only.....NO other records to
this effect. "IF" it happened the child must be that of someone around the
teacher's residence of Sally away from TJ's location, in April 1789 (exactly
nine months before arriving at Monticello) when for 5 weeks she was away
being taught social graces for supporting TJ's daughters in society.  
So,l what else would you like to know, Craig, and why are you being so
disrespectful towards the mother of Jefferson's only surviving sons? (HERB
COMMENT): Are you like Annette Gordon-Reed or Fawn Brodie (dreamed she was
married to TJ), in falsely claiming that Jefferson's "ONLY SONS"........what
proof of any sons.....only TJ recorded son was Peterfield Jefferson, who
died very early and the ONLY son born to him. Where is your PROOF to claim you, AGR and Monticello have secret papers but do not divulge
them to the public......I think not, so please, I ask those supporting these
false claims refrain from such misinformation until you can resurrect it
under some rock?    

Herb Barger

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