You are correct Kevin.........ONE DNA test shows that at least one
(Eston), had a match with the five Jefferson subjects tested. That only
confirms the Eston family oral claim that they descended from "a
Jefferson uncle" who would have the Jefferson DNA. No proof it to be
Thomas.Nature could not have wrote the false headline had Foster told
them facts of the family history.

Yes, Callender was receiving information from David Meade Randolp and
others which I have included in earlier posts. Callender NEVER visited
Monticello so he was depending on others having a grudge against TJ for
his information and just as in 1802 we have a much younger generation of
muckrakers harvesting money from old lies and rehashing material that
earlier authors have written. Callender was a liar and DNA proved it.


-----Original Message-----
From: Discussion of research and writing about Virginia history
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of [log in to unmask]
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2008 8:08 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [VA-HIST] DNA Tests


Thank you for the clarification.  Despite the no doubt seeming
impatience in the tenor of my posts, I really am grateful for your reply

As I understand Callandar's attack on Jefferson, he offered several
layers of allegations.  Most broadly, he claimed that Jefferson was
having sex with Sally Hemings.  While any narrow allegations he made
suggesting Woodson may be disproved by the DNA, Callandar's larger claim
that Jefferson kept Hemings as his concubine remains open.  So I don't
think we can say conclusively just yet that he was a liar.

In your view, is it fair to say that the DNA test shows that at least
one of Heming's children was fathered by someone descended from Thomas
Jefferson's paternal grandfather?

All best,
Kevin R. Hardwick, Ph.D.
Department of History
James Madison University

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