Isn't it ironic how people what to turn this man into some sort of saint. He was just a man, and for me and my ancestors, there is little to revere about him. This is supposedly a Christian Nation yet, we spend a lot of time Idolizing mere humans (ummm). There is a lot of historical information out there on what happened during the Jefferson period, which is generally ignored. I found well documented cases of how Natives lands were taken. In my own case my Native ancestors were told that those who continued to marry, Free Blacks, would have their status changed to Negro. There are many who want to romanticize Jefferson in order to continue the legacy he started. They are the ones who are most offended when all of Jefferson's exploits are chronicled. 


-- Anne Pemberton <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

I know Anita well enough to know she is not a racist. Nor did I see in her 
post anything that approached a "racist" statement. She made statements of 
generally accepted truths.

One point that Anita made that is not always well explained, was her comment 
about his behavior in regard to the Native Americans. In a historical source 
regarding other colonies, it was noted that both George Washington, Thomas 
Jefferson, Ben Franklin, and other founding fathers invested in land 
development schemes that were intended to deprive the Native Americans of 
their lands before they chose to sell them and move. By buying shares in 
companies that held the "rights" to the land that was still in use by the 
Natives, these Founding Fathers intended to make money after squatters moved 
onto those lands and destroyed them for use by the Native Americans, which 
then led to the land being purchases because there were already settlers on 
the land.

I think when we put historical figures on a pedestal and try to use our 
estimations of their morality or lack of it, we do them a disservice. The 
Founding Fathers were human beings. They did some great things in their 
lives, but all that they did was not great!


Anne Pemberton
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