To quote our thirty-second President of the United States,

"So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself -- nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance."

What is it that makes people "fear" Yojsouth? (Yes, I use the word "fear," without definition, letting the reader surmise from it what they will.)

Is it that occasionally he puts into print what others think, but will not speak?

Is it that, at times, he can be refreshingly humorous?

Is it that he takes no sides and will challenge anyone with one-liners?

Is it that he doesn't flaunt his pedigree to give himself some kind of perceived social standing?

Is it that being wrong doesn't seem faze to him?

Is it that he moves forward offering no regret?

He has been called a "bully" -- a person who is habitually cruel or overbearing, especially to smaller or weaker people; a hired ruffian; a thug; a pimp -- and "coward" -- a person who lacks courage; one who shows ignoble fear in the face of danger or pain. Is he either a "bully" or a "coward?"

I read that, in one persons opinion, Yojsouth "has caused a injury serious to this list," and has "gone beyond the limits of professional conduct and should be removed from this list." He was compared to a "robber." He was said to actively limit the "collective exchange of information." WOW! Pretty impressive, huh? The power that Yojsouth yields for some people simply amazes me. Am I the only one that has noticed that a good number of responses to Yojsouth's posts contain a wealth of information? Am I the only one that has learned from these responses?

I wonder if Yojsouth really does make a contribution and a difference on this list? In his way, perhaps he is making a significant contribution and a significant difference on this list; maybe not.

It amazes me even more how people that do not read or respond to anything that Yojsouth has written are able to post about what he has written. Go figure.

I'm simply Tom -- not distinguished, not an editor, not a president, not a doctor, not a publisher, not a coordinator, not a historian, not a professor, not an archivist, not a director. I may have been one, some, or all of these at one time or another, but now I'm retired and that's good enough for me.
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