Thanks for your suggestions and your concern for the welfare of the
TJHS. I will have it checked.

The mission of the web page is to present truthful and proven aspects of
Mr. Jefferson's life. We all know that NOTHING indicates any
relationship between TJ and the Hemings family. When any Hemings or
Woodson family member comes with identifiable and proven facts, at that
time that evidence and facts will be considered for placement on the web
page. It sure has taken you a long time to check out this web page. Have
you been to my personal web page:

I must again remind you that I have NO status with the Monticello Assn,
(I am not a Jefferson), other than a sometimes guest. I don't believe
"my elders" comment would apply to myself.....would it? "Ruffled
feathers" are not my responsibility, they did not attend MY function.
Would you vote to have a non proven person buried in your family

Herb Barger
Jefferson Family Historian   

-----Original Message-----
From: Discussion of research and writing about Virginia history
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Anne Pemberton
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2008 9:43 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [VA-HIST] Jefferson's Overseer


There is a problem with your TJHeritage page. When I click on a link,
read that want to move to another, I keep getting a series of warnings
"script error" for a variety of errors in the page. If you do not have
setting on to reveal these script errors, you may not be aware of them.
keep that setting open on my desktop so that I can check my own pages
errors. You may want to have your web master test and fix these errors.
do no reflect well on your organization.

Curiously, when looking over the list of the staff, I noticed one entry
was identified as a "collateral descendent" through TJ's uncle. Would
the term "collateral descendent" also apply to the Hemings irrespective
whether or not the ever agree to DNA testing? Why hasn't the same or a 
similar designation been used to affirm the Hemings relationship to 
Monticello? Seems it would smooth a lot of ruffled feathers and perhaps 
persuade some of your elders to be more polite with visiting family


Anne Pemberton
[log in to unmask] 

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