This Yojsouth "person" obviously enjoys baiting others who subscribe.  
Do not give him the power to make a difference on the list.  Just ignore/delete and proceed.

Melinda C. P. Skinner
Richmond, VA

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Ronald Seagrave <[log in to unmask]>
> Its sad 'Yojsouth' -- A.K.A. ???  has caused a injury serious to this list.
> He's gone beyond the limits of professional conduct and should be removed 
> from this list. He should be identified, as should all members of this list, 
> in fact no alias should ever be allowed posting. He should loss all 
> professional privileges to all library service. In my opinion, his conduct 
> is now no better than that of a robber. He's actively limiting our 
> collective exchange of information.
> Ronald Seagrave
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Ray, Tom (LVA)" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2008 11:44 AM
> Subject: Re: [VA-HIST] Yojsouth
> I respect my colleague's decision not to censor the postings to the list
> even though I disagree in this case. As many of my other colleagues know
> only too well - no one at the Library believes in free speech more than
> I.
> In my opinion the postings by "J South" are a form of bullying. No one
> else on the list has ever denigrated individuals based solely on sex or
> race. And for what purpose? I was under the impression that such
> personal attacks would not be tolerated on the list. Even though the
> attacks are not directed at list members they are directed at
> significant historical individuals, primarily women. I find this
> offensive in the extreme.
> I was also under the impression that list members were expected to use
> their real names. It has been my experience that bullies such as "J
> South" lose some of their venom when forced into the public. "J South"
> is not only a bully he is a coward.
> I will unsubscribe to the list as soon as Brent posts this message. I
> have been a member for many years because I consider it a professional
> obligation to offer assistance to Library patrons in any format
> available. I have most often done that off-line as some of you know. It
> is not my obligation to be subjected to crude, insulting behavior as
> exhibited by "J South." It has gone too far.
> Current list members are welcome to contact me for assistance with
> research involving Va. newspapers, with bibliographical questions, or
> for collection assistance.
> Sincerely,
> Tom H. Ray
> Collections Management Coordinator
> The Library of Virginia
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Discussion of research and writing about Virginia history
> [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Tarter, Brent (LVA)
> Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 3:43 PM
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Subject: Re: [VA-HIST] Yojsouth
> Yojsouth's message earlier today about Thomas Jefferson and Sally
> Hemings has brought me several private requests and demands that he be
> expelled from the list.
> Va-Hist has always operated with as much anarchy as possible. The
> sponsors at the Library of Virginia have believed that the best remedy
> for improper speech is more speech. We have encouraged a civil dialog,
> that being the best way for intelligent discussion to proceed.
> It is not a violation of any unstated Va-Hist rule that your know what
> you're writing about (John Smith did not marry Pocahontas; Sally Hemings
> could not legally have married anybody).
> Or that you can't believe that "an educated, cultured" white widower
> might have had a sex life.
> Or that you be free of prejudices (Sally Hemings, an enslaved African
> American woman, has not been shown to be "skanky," which the dictionary
> defines as repugnantly filthy or squalid or of low or sleazy character,
> although perhaps yojsouth believes that is the default condition for
> women of one-fourth or more African descent).
> Or even that you not gratuitously publish an assertion as if it were a
> known fact (nobody here as asserted that Sally Heming could not keep
> track of the fathers of her children, although perhaps yojsouth believes
> that is a common condition for women of one-fourth or more African
> descent).
> We cannot require that people hide their defects if they insist on
> parading them.
> Please do not let these comments unnecessarily goad us into equally bad
> or worse behavior.
> I, for one, do not propose to respond to yojsouth (who does regularly
> violate a Va-Hist rule that we used to state from time to time that all
> postings be signed with the author's real name), and I hope that other
> people will not, either.
> You don't have to read him. I, who am the list moderator, do.
> Brent Tarter
> The Library of Virginia
> [log in to unmask]
> Visit the Library of Virginia's Web site at
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