Not quite accurate.  Africans were enslaving other Africans-- and continued to do so--
not solely to sell/trade/barter to Europeans.  While none of this makes any difference as to culpability
and the essential evil of slavery, there is no sense in trying to make one group all good or all bad.  
We should be able to get beyond that.  

Melinda C. P. Skinner
Richmond, VA

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Anne Pemberton <[log in to unmask]>
> J South,
> You have a good analogy, but somehow I suspect you are wearing it backwards. 
> It is the white merchants and slaveowners who "poisoned the well". The 
> poisoned folks were the  unfortunate Africans who were rounded up and 
> transported into enslavement along with their African gatherer-uppers. If 
> there had been no market for slaves, there would have been no 
> gatherer-uppers. The white merchants and slaveowners were the ones who 
> professed that their christianity made them more "moral" than the Africans.
> Anne Pemberton
> [log in to unmask]
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