I agree.  Run away when asked to pay for anything regarding getting your work published.

Melinda C. P. Skinner
Richmond, VA

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Alex Colvin <[log in to unmask]>
> Ann:
> I'm a retired journalist turned history student. A word of advise. 1.) 
> Legitimate publishers of most legitimate genres don't ask writers to pay 
> publishing costs,especially editing. They either have in-house staff to deal 
> with MS issues or they farm it out. (And if it were to be an author cost, it 
> would certainly be more than $70-90 dollars. In either case, they NEVER ask the 
> writer to pay such costs. 2.) Typically publishers seek out MS from 
> "established" writers, by going through their agents. To get solicited directly 
> from a publisher who then fawns over your work which is previously unknown to 
> them, wreaks of scam.
> Don't succumb to their sleazy charms. :)
> A Colvin
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