----- Original Message ----- 
From: Randy Cabell 
To: VA-HIST history 
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2007 9:05 AM
Subject: Request for contacts

Hi Guys,

Thank you all for input on scanners and displays and digitizing.  The Cabell Digital Heritage Project where we preserve you-know-what has taken on a life of its own.  I have received one no-bid, and two bids, and I think the project can be done within the limits of the grant.

The work-product will be 300/400 PEL images of about 4500 items, B/W, grayscale or color as appropriate.  Where there is text involved (newsletters. clippings) these will be further processed to .PDF to facilitate search and retrieval.  This means there will be 4500 files with names made up primarily of a header like CABELLHERITAGE followed by a YYYYMMDDxx field.

One of the things that I think The Cabell Foundation will want to do is to give archival quality CDs or DVDs to libraries and institutions that show an interest.  So since we are in the early stages of design, I would like to make sure the work-product and the file names will be useful to institutions who are represented on VA-HIST and might have some interest.

Therefore, if your institution is involved and you want to make comments on a more detailed a one-page technical spec, then please respond to me.

Randy Cabell