E-mail from Marsha Moses:

When I asked Mary Miller if I could share information provided by her in 
June her answer was:

by all means - share, share, share. 
It does not cost much to get the publication with the complete listing - 
I only gave a part of it.
I would love to hear from anyone with more lists.  I understand the 
eastern newspapers were very interested in any Indian attacks or release 
of Indian captives on the frontier, so they wrote article about what was 
going on.  I would love to know where to find some of those.
Also - since 1750s, 1760s we were British, there are a lot of records of 
Indian captives in Britian.....would like to find out how to find those.
So it would be a big help to me for you to pass on the info and let me 
know anything you find out.  As I said, I found Josiah Ramsey was an 
Indian captive but nothing on my Henry Turney who was German speaking by 
the way.  He was born around 1742-1750....either in PA or most likely in 
VA.  I have a lot on him and his siblings and connecting families - but 
cannot trace down that one reference that Henry Turney and Josiah Ramsey 
were once Indian captives.  I know an attack took place not far from 
where the Turneys were living on North Branch Shenandoah River near 
Edinburg / Woodstock VA - and that several captives were taken.
(I am passing along Mary's reply because she gives some very excellent 
ideas to follow up on that perhaps someone on this list might be able to 
help give some guidance on where to find newspapers, etc....)

Now below is the e-mail that Mary sent to the Shenandoah mail list in 
June (there are only a few of the names in the lists below that I don't 
recognize --as I said before it has been serendipty that I have slowly 
added to my information--and I would be extremely happy to sort out the 
remaining people that I don't know.  The Williams family, Yokeham, 
See/Sea, Clendenin, Gilmore, Ewing, and Cunningham are all well 
recognized in the 1763 event.  I haven't looked at the Hamilton nor 
Counsman before, but it is possible that I have something in my files 
and piles that I have just forgotten.  I tend to only look at this event 
every fall.):

I have some on the list - let me know if they are yours......

Volume 39   Fall, 1956     Number 3
article:  Indian Captives Released by Colonel Bouquet
by William S. Ewing

List C
Inclosed in Mouquet to Gage, November 30, 1764, Gage Papers, Clements
Library, University fo Michigan.
List of Necessaries furnished to the Captives of Pennsilvania
Fort Pitt    Nov 30th 1764
20  Catherine Williams   1 shirt, 1 shoe pack, 1 blanket
21  Conogoniony......in the Virginia List./81 besides her

List D
Inclosed in Bouquet to Gage, November 30, 1764, Gage Papers, Clements
Library, University of Michigan.
List of Captives taken by Indians in Augusta County, Virginia
going home under the Care of Col McNeill, Vollunteers, with a Return of the
Necessaries delivered to them at Muskingum & Ft. Pitt.
3.  Geo. Yokeham    1 shirt, 1 leggings, 1 shoe pack
6.  Michael See     2 shirts, 1 blanket
7.  George See      1 shirt, 1 leggings, 1 shoe pack
15.  Margart Yokeham    1 leggings, 1 shoe pack, 1 blanket
20.  Mary See      2 shirts, 1 leggings, 1 shoe pack, 1 blanket, 1 pair of
21.  Catherine See   1 shirt, 1 shoe pack
Fort Pitt   Dec 1st 1764   Received of Col Bouquet the within mentioned,
forty six Captives, with the necessaries affixed against their Names
respectively.....signed John McNeill

List E
British Museum. Additional Manuscripts 21655,f.249
List of Prisoners going to Fort Pitt under the Command of Capt Lewis   Nov.
15, 1764
16  Michael See
17  George See
23  Margaret Yokeham
28  Mary See
Camp at Muskingum  Nov 15 1764
Received from Capt Lewis Ourry, A.D.Q.M.G. the above Sixty Captives, which I
am to deliver to the Commanding Officer at Fort Pitt having signed two
receipts of this same tenor & date
   signed CHA LEWIS

List F
Inclosed in Bouquet to Gage, March 4, 1765, Gage Papers, Clements Library,
University of Michigan
List of Prisoner's delivered up by the Shawanese Indians at Mackwayack and
arrived at Fort Pitt  5 January 1765
1.  Mary hamilton       15 years old    Taken in July 1763 from Kerrs Creek
Augusta County
2.  Jane Gilmore         a woman      taken at the same time & place
3.  Miriam Hamilton     10 years old   taken at the same time & sister to
Mary hamilton
4.  Margaret Bird       an old woman    taken years ago from Jackson River
Augusta Couty, died since her arrival at Fort Pitt
5.  Elizabeth Yoakim   12 years old   taken July 1763 from Green Bryar
Augusta County.
6.  Elizabeth Fulkison     16 years old     taken about Seven years ago from
Smiths River Augusta County
7.  Elizabeth Counsman   9 years old   taken in July 1763 from Green Bryar
her mother was given up at campt No. 16.
8.  Mary Williams    an old woman   taken in July 1763 from Augusta County,
Gren Bryar.
9.  David Williams    4 years old    Son to Mary Williams
List of Prisoners from the Shawanese arrived at Fort Pitt January 5 1765

List G
Inclosed in Crogham to Gage, May 12, 1765, Gage Papers, Clements Library,
Univ. of Michigan
List of the Prisoners delived'd up by the Shawanese Nation of Indians at
Fort Pitt the 10th May 1765
No.   English or Indian Names    age    from where taken   time prisoners
3         John Ewins                      17        Augusta Co, VA    2
11        John Sea                          7          Catapin, VA         7
12       Netumpsico                      9         Green Bryer, VA   7 years
19       Joseph Silkspiner            15        Green Bryer, VA    2 years
2          Peggy Sea                        19        Green Bryer, VA    2
12        Sally Sea                          10       Green Bryer, VA     2
13        Magdalen Schlyer              7      Green Bryer, VA      2years
14        Margt Cuningham              8      Green Bryer, VA      2 years
15       Jeany Williams                  6        Green Bryer, VA     2
16       Mekethiva, sister of Jacob   7     Green Bryer, VA     2 years
17      Molly Bird                        12       Green Bryer, VA     10
18     Nalupua, sister to Molly Bird   7    Green Bryer, VA    6 years
19        Jean Clandinnon               5        Green Bryer, VA     2 years
20       Sally Yokim                       5        Green Bryer, VA     2
21        Mary Sea                         7         Green Bryer, VA     2
List of the prisoners deliverd up by the Shawanese Indians at Fort Pitt  10
May 1765

I don't understand the listing of a John Sea age 7 as a prisoner for 7
years, while the 3 Sea females had been captives for 2 years......John Sea
could have been taken as an infant, but appears to be a different family
from the others.

Anyway - perhaps you can figure it all out.  I hope I got them all.  There
are perhaps other lists, but these are the ones in the article.

Mary Turney Miller