As I try to put together a list of participants of the travelers, I do 
thank you for your reply.  I do know that the "Hawkins"
family did get tested in the Ferguson DNA Project and has a halogroup 
within "our" groups.  Not quite sure, but I think
there was a non-marriage event there. 

Not everyone is up-to-date on the Corn-Stalk episode...I would enjoy 
learning about it.

I took info from the Jamestown Website and made a time line for our 
Rootsweb group and stated, using that same info
that the first colonists were ill equipped to be in  a  wild country and 
suffered greatly.  Much to  my amazement,  I was
severely scolded to suggest that the sons of established families in 
England were not prepared to be pioneers. 

Please give me the protocol of this list.  Are subjects not to be 
discussed on the list, or are you encouraged to move the
discussion to a place that "tolerates" such or to be individual 
correspondence?  Also, since quite a few of us must live
out of Virginia, does anyone send a synopsis of the speeches that are 