There is still room for one or two papers for the session on editing (and
re-editing) important historical manuscripts, at the South-Central Society for
Eighteenth-Century Studies, to be held in New Orleans, February 21-23, 2008/

The purpose of this session is to discuss the practical, technological, and
theoretical challenges of preparing unpublished historical manuscripts or
developing new approaches to manuscripts published in an earlier era.  Many
scholars are currently working on projects to establish, annotate, and
interpret historical texts. New technologies may help: searchable text-bases
uncover sources, analogues and plagiarisms. Digital publication and distance
collaboration offer other possibilities. Theoretical issues include the
revision of earlier editorial biases and metanarratives, identifying the
fictionalizing of so-called first-hand accounts, and many other possible topics.

Please send proposals to Kevin Berland, <[log in to unmask]>, by October 1.  Thanks.

Cheers -- Kevin