You are so right!! After all, we can't pick our relatives, they are who they 


>From: David Oakes <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Discussion of research and writing about Virginia history         
>      <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: This forum
>Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2007 07:54:42 -0700
>On 7/3/07 4:03 PM, "John Philip Adams" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> > All of you are going to be amazed to find out how so many of us with an 
> > pre 1700, Virginia backgrounds are related to each other. The Caucasian,
> > African, and Native American families are possibly related to each other 
> > close as 3rd cousins to 5th cousins.
>This inter-relatedness of colonial populations has been one of the most
>fascinating things I've come across in my genealogical research! And, also
>how much mixed ancestry there really is in many of us!
>In my own research, Iıve found hints of NA, not really provable, just 
>tradition in another part of the family, but in retrospect, it makes sense.
>Iıve also found so many odd coincidences. Like my husbandıs families are
>from the very same area that a large part of my family was from, though no
>blood relationship between us, so far.
>One set of my grandparents both have 3rd great grandfathers who were on
>opposite sides of the revolution. My grandfatherıs 3rd great grandfather 
>a known tory loyalist & leader in that community, in the ³Hollows² of 
>now Patrick Co.. My grandmotherıs 3rd great grandfather was the County
>Lieutenant who ordered militia troops stationed on the other guyıs farm, to
>keep an eye on those bad tories, & possibly ordered the farm confiscated. I
>think itıs so funny & crazy that these two men, who were truly fighting 
>other, had 2 descendants who married all those many years later, and many
>miles from VA.
> > It is hard to bash people for their opinions when you consider so many 
>of us
> > are related to each other.
>I agree, it should to be much harder to bash, or hate, people to whom you
>are related, even if if itıs a distant relationship.
>Thanks to all on the list for the many enlightening discussions, even if
>they do get a little overheated sometimes.
>C.Etter - related to those darn Hairstons & to people like Harriet Beecher
