Thank you, Joanne.  I appreciate that!


>From: qvarizona <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Discussion of research and writing about Virginia history         
>      <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: VA homeschooling
>Date: Sun, 1 Jul 2007 10:21:22 -0700
>Crawl out from under that rock more often. Susan.  You made a good point.
>Susan Sheppard <[log in to unmask]> wrote: Whoa, wait. "They all seem"??   
>Generalizations are ... what shall I say?
>... well, maybe I'd best not try to complete that thought with more than,
>generalizations aren't good.   Please don't "find" support for one thing
>(SOLs) in things that are not related (use of structured Christian-based
>curriculums).  Not "all" of any group think alike, work alike, study alike,
>sing alike, dance alike ...
>Homeschoolers don't all: homeschool for the same reason, have the same
>philosophy, use the same curriculum ... or use a "curriculum" period.  They
>don't all dress alike, although most probably do wear clothes (That's a
>joke; there was an article, I don't remember where, a decade or more ago
>that managed to imply that homeschoolers didn't wear shirts.  I assume the
>writer intended to reference the male students, altho I seem to remember
>that that wasn't entirely clear. ).  They do not all belong to the same
>homeschooling organizations.  Some want and need all the guidance and
>structure they can get; others want none of that.  Some might swear by 
>or Bob Jones or KONOS, and others might swear at them.  [No attacks, 
>I'm joking.]  And the later might swear *by* John Holt, and the former 
>never have heard of him or might be certain that he's the root of anything
>weak in homeschooling.  Or might like John Holt but still choose to go a
>different route.
>I don't know statistics re how many use structured curriculums and how many
>unschool (if my aging memory serves, that term was coined by Holt) or how
>many "use" the SOLs or any given curriculum, boxed or otherwise.  Last I
>knew, VA didn't require that information be recorded with the
>counties/cities, so I'd assume coming up with "real" statistics would be
>difficult.  Not to mention, unnecessary.
>OK, I'll go crawl back under my rock!
