Read Henry Wiencek's,  "An Imperfect God, George Washington, His Slaves, and the Creation of America " for a scholarly and sensitive view of a good man who owned slaves.  

It seems all generations think they know enough to judge not just the social norms,  but the souls of their predecessors.  While I don't suggest we  pretend  slave-owning was ever moral, I think  taking a person out of the context of their time and culture and judging them in our is pointless.  


PS Henry's book is much more than my clumsy "review" above. It's been described as the best of the best re. George Washington, and --bonus-- it's a great read.

Paul Heinegg <[log in to unmask]> wrote: How could Madison have been a "good slaveowner."
He owned other human beings as his own property. That not only degraded 
those human beings to the level of farm animals, it shows that he had no 
morals, no character. That was uncivilized, barbaric behaviour.

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