It is interesting that you would state, "Most Probably", and then continue 
as if it was a proven fact.


>From: Melinda Skinner <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Discussion of research and writing about Virginia history         
>      <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Slavery and immoral stance, etc.
>Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2007 14:14:50 +0000
>As far as the Virginia connection goes, those first Africans from Angola 
>most probably ended up at Jamestown after being captured and enslaved by 
>other marauding Africans (much like those in present day Darfur doing the 
>dirty work of the government that claims total innocence) who then 
>sold/traded them to the the Portuguese who then exported them with great 
>help from the Catholic Church to South America... and, in this case, 
>diverted to Virginia.  There are villains everywhere.
>Melinda C. P. Skinner
>Richmond, VA
>  -------------- Original message ----------------------
>From: John Philip Adams <[log in to unmask]>
> > Arab Slavery may have been written on the books as stopping in the 
> > but that is crock. The Muslims still have slaves, sell slaves and 
> > people all over a lot of the African continent.
> > While everyone is blasting G. Washington, T. Jefferson and all of those
> > other nasty slave holders, let's not forget who was selling those 
> > and Africans to John Hawkins, Francis Drake, the other English ships'
> > captains, the Dutch, the Spanish, the Italians and whoever else showed 
>up on
> > the western coast of Africa to transport to the 'new world'. The Arabs 
> > the sales agents and the others were the transporters. If you are going 
> > complain, complain about the ones who were the instigators, the sellers, 
> > the precipitators' of the inequity that we all know occurred called 
> > The 1st purchasers of African slaves were the Spanish in the Caribbean 
> > Mexico.
> > Please condemn the ones, who are responsible for the sale of their 
> > Africans and their enemies to the shippers for these problems, but 
>please do
> > not try to impose 21st century mores' on 18th century people.
> >
> > John Philip Adams
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Discussion of research and writing about Virginia history
> > [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Paul Heinegg
> > Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 4:36 PM
> > To: [log in to unmask]
> > Subject: Re: Slavery and immoral stance, etc.
> >
> > Wasn't slavery also stopped by Islamists in Central Asia in
> > the 1870s?  What are the best sources for this particular topic?
> >
> > -----------
> > I lent someone my copy of "Islam's Black Slaves" by Ronald Segal, but I
> > believe all Islamic countries continued to practice slavery until 
> > by the West to stop. It was part of their culture which became tied to 
> >
> > religion. Today, one-third the population of Mauretania are still slaves 
> >
> > a good percentage of the population of the Sudan.
> > Paul

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