Nuts.  Just as I think  I can agree with something you wrote, you slip back into
  generalizations that negate everything and identify you as one of those folks who 
  has to rely on labels to make a point.  

[log in to unmask] wrote:
  Exactly. Dinesh D'Souza describes the liberal academic community as the 
"free thinking herd." You can say or think whatever you want so long as it is 
within the realm of PC speak and thought.

This is the attitude that too often permeates the classroom as well, and 
indoctrinates the students. Fortunately, most get out into the real world and 
receive a reality check. The exceptions are those who stay in the academic 
community in some form or another and live in PC Nirvana where their limited 
minded approach to life is for the most part supported by their colleagues.

J South

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