Just like millions of others, I have a hobby, and it is genealogy. It 
has not been a popular hobby for African Americans until recently. 
This is what I choose to do, and in so doing, I have been able to 
trace my family history back thousands of years. You may believe it 
is moot, but I do not, and neither do millions of others who have 
submitted DNA. Through my research and documentation I was able to 
prove lineage and join the DAR. If this is moot then why in the world 
do we have a Virginia Roots list, and a Virginia History List? 


-- James Brothers <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
To some extent this is all moot. As an anthropologist I accept, at  
least until a better theory comes along) the out of Africa  
hypothesis. Which of course means if you go back far enough we are  
all Africans...

James Brothers, RPA
[log in to unmask]

On May 22, 2007, at 2:41, Anita Wills wrote:

> This reminds me of a nasty message I received from someone who was
> upset that I made a statement about being related to George
> Washington. At first he politely asked a question, but the next
> message showed just how ignorant this person is. He said that George
> Washington had NO Negroes in his family line. I guess he had me 
> up with the person who said they were a direct descendant of
> Washington. My truth comes from the DNA test that I took (through
> family tree DNA), my research, and those who contacted me (DNA
> cousins), once the results were released. Nothing that I stated
> changes George Washington, or his accomplishments. It is what it 
> Anita