Neil McDonald writes:

"your normal sources require a paid subscription for individuals having no
affiliation with their membershp entities -- and visiting a large library
out here on the frontier must be a planned pack-horse trip, not one we make
on a daily or even weekly basis."

Have you signed up for "Find It Virginia"?  This database of news articles
and scholarly journals (some articles available online in full text) is open
to all holders of a public library card.  Go to the Library of Virginia
website, click on "What We Do" and you'll find the link for Find It
Virginia.  If you like what you see, urge your delegate and state senator to
fund the service.  LVA is currently begging the General Assembly to fund
this service, which is designed to help Virginians "out here on the frontier."

McDonald also writes:

"I was surprised to learn how 'interpretations' of some extant personal
files of Thos. Jefferson . . .  has led to some surmising about Jefferson
possibly philandering with young John Walker's wife . . . "

Thomas Jefferson confessed to making advances to Walker's wife.  I don't
think there is any dispute whatever over this point.  In "Jefferson
Vindicated," page 30, Cynthia Burton writes, "When Jefferson denied the
Sally accusations, he admitted to the Walker affair . . . "

Henry Wiencek

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