I thought ratification of the 13th, 14th and, after 1870, 15th
amendments were conditions for re-admission.  Am I mis-remembering?   
It suddenly flits through my memory that Mississippi's legislature only
ratified the 13th amendment in the 1990s (evidently the post-civil war
era legislature had declined to do so on the gorunds that it was already
in force as part of the Constitution so a ratification vote from them
was "unnecessary").  

I am in agreement with your statement that "the fantasy of certain
states' reservations from the Union is just that."  Amen.


David Kiracofe
Tidewater Community College
Chesapeake Campus
1428 Cedar Road
Chesapeake, Virginia 23322
>>> Debra Jackson/Harold Forsythe <[log in to unmask]> 02/27/07 9:59
AM >>>
All state admissions are and always were subject to Congressional
and conditions.  Texas's readmission to the Union was unconditional. 
is, I think, in law and more importantly, practically, no alternative to
USA as it is now constituted.

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