Yes.  Interesting, and apparently Jamestowne will continue low key.  My wife 
and I were in New York City last weekend, and I mentioned Jamestowne and (1) 
most people had never heard of it or (2) they thought it was Jamestown NY.

I fear it is going to be a repeat of 1976 when people stayed away from 
Williamsburg in droves, Columbus 1992, and most recently Lewis and Clark for 
which I am hard pressed to recall a single big celebration in their home 
state... Virginia.

But I'm doing my part.  600 CDs of Jamestowne Centenary Music 1807-1907-2007 
will arrive on my doorstep by this time next week looking for homes.  Stay 

In the meantime next Thursday evening, I'll follow up my success in kicking 
off the 2006 fall meeting of The Jamestowne Society in costume playing a 
trumpet fanfare, with the same costume and same fanfare for the other 
institution in America that traces it orgins to Jamestown - The Episcopal 
Diocese of Virginia.  See you in Richmond.

Randy Cabell
The Trumpeter of Jamestowne (2007 incarnation)
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Frederick Fausz" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 2:18 PM

>I am surprised that there have been so few postings about 400th
> anniversary activities.  The History News Network had a link to
> the 10 January article in the Times Dispatch about VP Cheney's
> speech at the commemorative opening session of the Virginia
> legislature at the historic old church on Jamestown Island. Even
> though he was confused about one 17th-century quote, his talk
> apparently proved very moving and meaningful for the legislators.
> Delegate Phillip Hamilton (R-Newport News) felt that the occasion
> was historic, providing "a great boost to Virginia, and it does
> reaffirm the role of Virginia in the history of this nation."
> When the legislature moved back to regular session in Richmond,
> however, that warm and cozy feeling quickly vanished.  As I read
> in the St. Louis Post Dispatch on 1/17, Delegate Frank Harmon
> spoke against a "measure that would apologize on the state's
> behalf to the descendants of slaves."  He allegedly told a
> Charlottesville reporter that "our black citizens should get over
> slavery" and then added:  "are we going to force the Jews to
> apologize for killing Christ?"  Needless to say, his comments
> "drew denunciations from stunned colleagues."
> In terms of the past, present, or future, 2007 promises to be a
> quite a memorable year.
> Fred Fausz
> St. Louis
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