Saturday, June 17th, 2006, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Ashby's Fort - 1755 Barracks will be open for tours thoughout the day.

In the field behind the Barracks, there will be Colonial crafts, blacksmithing, spinning demonstrations, herb workshop, art traditional music, and the Wills Creek Detatchment encampment of re-enactors. Plus much more!

Dr. Greg Adamson will be available from 12:30 until 3:00 to explain the work of an archeologist and reveal some of the traces of history left in the earthen dig next to the Barracks.

At 2:00 PM, Steffi Ridgel will lead an herb workshop at the Barracks.

Proffessor Jim Hoey will give an updated multi-media presentation on the times and events of Ashby's Fort --- scheduled for 3:00 PM in the Lions Club room at the Community Hall.

Come and help us celebrate! 
More information: (304) 298-3836
Location: Village of Fort Ashby - Route 28 between Cumberland, MD and Romney, WV

(Note: I've been asked to post this by the planners of this event)

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