Ye gods.... what did researchers do before the Internet?

I found 'Boyne Water' was an old irish song in some (probably 17th or 18th century) war.  Lots of references in the song with which I am not familiar like Ouldbridge Town, Duke Schomberg, Prostestants of Drougheda, Brave King William, Cunning French near to Duleek.

I am wondering a couple of things.  #1 if the poem used at the 1807 Bicentennial was really about Pocohontas.  It says "Ann", but my history is not good enough to know if maybe that was really a Christian name given her.  #2 If the tune, like Anacreon in Heaven a few years later, was just a convenient one to hang a poem on to.

Finally, the fact there was apparently a big celebration in 1807 for Jamestowne is news to me, and quite welcome.  I would like to learn more, like was Thomas Jefferson there, amongst others.

Randy Cabell

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