I like the way you think, John.  It certainly has the same flow as ter and
bi.  And reminds me of my old days in military school where all rooms opened
on to the Quad(rangle.)

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Weiss" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 5:05 PM
Subject: Re: [VA-HIST] Quadra- Quad- 4-by- 400-

> Why not cut corners, drop a syllable, and invent 'QuadCentennial'? The
> scan would be the same as with 'BiCentennial' and 'TerCentennial'.
> John Weiss
> Randy Cabell wrote:
>>Inspired by a CD of the 1907 and 1957 Jamestowne commissioned music that I
>>picked up last week down there, I have decided to apply my creative juices
>>to writing a march.  The easy part is roughing it out and entering the
>>notes.  I have scheduled lotsa drums and trumpets, horns and rippling
>>piccolos......   The hard part is picking a title, and I need some
>>academic help here.
>>The logical title is:
>>                                    "The Jamestowne Quadracentennial
>> March"
>>But the extra syllable in Quadra eliminates the 'flow' that we have with
>>'Centennial', 'BiCentennial' and 'TerCentennial'.
>>Is there another Greek, Latin, or English prefix which means '4' and
>>sounds better than 'Quadra'.  A free copy of the march for your favorite
>>high school, college, or community band to the winner.
>>Randy Cabell
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> To subscribe, change options, or unsubscribe, please see the instructions
> at http://listlva.lib.va.us/archives/va-hist.html

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