I am only speaking for myself here, and my results. I have heard from people who were not able to connect, but that is not my case. According to Family Tree DNA, my Group is T2 (Tara), and came out of North Africa about 45,000 years ago. This is my female ancestor, who was probably moving in a group. She entered Europe through the Iberian Peninsula, and so far I have been contacted by DNA cousins from, Spain, Italy, Germany, Russia, Switzerland, Denmark, France, England, Wales, and Ireland. Sometime around 1650 my ancestor entered the US, and lived in Virginia. 

This is not just DNA, but my own research and information I received from my, DNA "Cousins".  I heard from two cousins recently, one living in Alabama, and another in Denmark. The cousin in Denmark, shared quite   a bit of information with. Probably because her family has been there for generations.

As far as the technical aspects of how they do it, I am not a scientist. I can basically gloss over the information, but leave it up to the researchers at Family Tree DNA, and other DNA projects. 


-- James Brothers <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Event a geographical location is only possible once the DNA "library"
is large enough. There is considerable question whether or not that
point has been reached. And if you get technical, based on the latest
I have seen on hominid evolution, in the end we are all Africans.

On Feb 6, 2006, at 23:21, Anita Wills wrote:

> In my case, I had already put in twenty years of research. Many of
> the DNA cousins who contacted me had also done research, on our
> common lines. I was able to connect my lines to some of my cousins.
> In other words Joe is correct, you cannot get names from a DNA
> test, only a geographical location and maybe a group typing of your
> ancestry.
> Anita

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