I am cross-posting this from the H-SHEAR list to make the Jamestown folks
aware of it.  For a fee one can order the paper on-line.  Details below.


Subject: Early American History seminar at MHS.
Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2006 11:21:45 -0500
From: Seth Vose <[log in to unmask]>

The Massachusetts Historical Society announces the fifth meeting of its
2005-2006 season of the Early American History Seminars.

Thursday, March 2, 2006

Karen Ordahl Kupperman, New York University:

"Jamestown and the Little Ice Age"

Comment: Felipe Fernandez-Armesto, Tufts University

        All seminars take place at the society, 1154 Boylston St., Boston, MA
02215, and commence at 5:15 PM.  As always, the seminar consists with
discussion of a pre-circulated paper.  After a brief introduction by
Prof. Kupperman, a commentary by Prof. Fernandez-Armesto, and a rebuttal
by Prof. Kupperman, the session will be opened to general discussion by
the audience.

        After the meeting the Society will serve a light buffet supper.
Reservations are suggested but not required to attend the seminar, but
are required to attend the supper so that numbers may be given to the
caterer. To make a reservation, please email the address below or call
our seminar voicemail line at (617) 646-0540 (for reservations only
please) and leave a message.

        The event is free and open to the public.  There is a charge to
subscribe to the papers for the season.  To receive the papers by post,
please send a check to the society at the contact information below for
$35. To receive papers by a username and password which allows access to
a secure page on our website where the papers may be downloaded in PDF
format, please send $25. Please mark your check with the name of the
seminar you are subscribing. Please also note the society also hosts two
other seminars, Immigration and Urban History, and Environmental
History. For information on those seminars, please note the contact
information below.

As always with this time of year, if inclement weather seems likely, do
not hesitate to call our front desk at (617) 536-1608 and enquire if the
meeting has been postponed.

We look forward to seeing you at the seminars.

Seth M. Vose III
Program Coordinator
Publications and Research Department
Massachusetts Historical Society
1154 Boylston St.
Boston, MA 02215
(617) 646-0518

To subscribe, change options, or unsubscribe, please see the instructions
at http://listlva.lib.va.us/archives/va-hist.html