There are a bunch of histories of Jamestown: Warren M. Billings
"Jamestown and the Founding of the Nation" is probably the most
accessible.  If you can find it, Carl Bridenbaugh's covered the whole
period in which Jamestown was the capital.
The issue of Virginia loyalties during the English Civil War was a major
component in the construction of Virginia's "Cavalier" identity -- after
the Cromwellian period closed, Charles II famously described Virginia as
his "good old dominion" -- labelling it loyal, but the action in the
1650s when Virginia "surrendered" to the Cromwellians, suggests there
was a more pragmatic reaction of the Virginians to the events back in
the England.

David Kiracofe

David Kiracofe
Tidewater Community College
Chesapeake Campus
1428 Cedar Road
Chesapeake, Va 23322

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