The star of the movie - at least, the one with the lasting power, is the
beauty of Virginia.  Here's how I ended my tediously lengthy review of The
New World on my blog.

"And still I come back to that magnificent cinematography; those panoramic
views of a land I love with passion and forgiveness. That overriding truth,
earth’s phenomenal beauty, still here after 400 years, tugs at my heart and
whispers in my ear that “really, sugar, it’s okay they made Smith such a
wuss. The real star of this show is me anyway. Your river, your pine trees.
Your doves and eagles and raccoons. Your mosquitoes. Your mayflies. Your
summertime humidity and your raw winter storms.” Like a family reunion photo
that makes every one of your relatives look like beauty queens and handsome
heroes, this movie gives you my Virginia, as pretty as it was – and as
pretty as it is now."

Bess Haile - lurker of many years on this forum

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