My mulatto ancestors moved into Central Virginia sometime in the late 1700's. There was a lot of racial intermixing and matching going on in them there hills. I believe they are the so-called, Tri-Racial Isolates. 


-- qvarizona <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
  Paul Finkelmen wrote: "I would bet that
99% of all southern "whites" with roots that date
before 1840 (or even 1860) have lots of "black" relatives."

  That's a bit of a generalization, don't you think?  To start with, it's based on a misconception,  thus the conclusion is a bit silly.   From the get-go  the majority of Virginians and other southern white men did NOT own slaves.  This didn't mean they were less biased than TJ and the other politicians,  but it did mean opportunities were not the same.   Perhaps we sometimes forget that "history" is about more than what happened to VIPs like TJ and the other rich and famous.


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