Yes, I guess you would be bothered by me bringing up something that makes you uncomfortable. That statement you made about  unsubstantiated claims in my emails, is general and vague, which emails, which claims? I know that as a person of color, I am supposed to suck it up, so what if many of those who fought at The Siege of Yorktown are excluded from history? The fact is Colonial Yorktown is supposedly a Government agency, supported by all taxpayers. It is supposed to represent an accurate history, and include all of the participants.

I do understand your discomfort at my response to your announcement. I should have started a new thread, and apologize for that.


-- John Maass <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
But does this mean that, as Anita has concluded, that the NPS and other organizers have launched an intentional "attempt to ignore those who fought and died for America."
I hardly think so; it is one more example of unsubstantiated claims that run through her e-mails.
I think there should be an interp. of all those who fought there at Yorktown.
I object to the separate but equal approach though.

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