In one of my postings I wrote about the Anglican and Episcopalian Church laws as they concerned race. I apologize if anyone is offended by the information. I did not know that some people were unaware of the Churches role in the history of America. The Bible was used by some churches to justify slavery. I was surprised to find out about the Baptist movement in Virginia, and their opposition to slavery. One of my ancestor, Rawley Pinn, was a Free Black, who attended Baptist services in the 1700's. The Baptist were preaching that all men were created equal, and that was in opposition to the Anglican church.

You may have to do a little digging, but the records are there for anyone who is interested.

Anita Wills

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-- "Anita L. Henderson" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
testing,   I have been having trouble sending an email all week.

Anita H.

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