The Mississippi Territory in 1806 was a frontier region and there could
have been trouble on any number of fronts: native tribes (esp. Chickasaws
& Choctaws), the neighboring Spanish were not so far removed that from
time to time they crossed borders (sometimes claiming territory was
really theirs).

But my guess is the trouble was domestic.  In 1806 Mississippi Territory
was one of the centers of the Burrite conspiracy.  Burr was put on trial
in Washington (MS Territory) -- was released on account of the paucity of
direct evidence, and then, when new information came to light, tracked
down and captured.  He was sent to Richmond for trial for treason. The
case was heard by Chief Justice Marshall himself.  It was the most
important trial for treason in US history, divided public opinion about
the former veep's guilt or innocence and cast a long shadow over the
loyalty of western parts of the country (where Burr was very popular --
esp. after gunning down Alexander Hamilton).  I can well imagine your
ancestor being mobilized with the militia as conspirators seemed to be
lurking behind every tree.

David Kiracofe
College of Charleston

On Mon, 29 Jul 2002 18:11:55 -0400 Diana Bennett wrote:

> Dear Listers:
> Sorry I ask so many questions but you all are so learned.   My question
> now is one of my ancestors "served as a Pvt. in the 1st (Claiborne's)
> Regt  MS Territorial Militia in 1806-7 ." What was or problems was Miss
> having then?
> Thank you very much (in advance)
> Diana Kercheval Bennett
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> at

David Kiracofe

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