On Wed, 2 May 2001 10:09:14 -0400, W. Scott Smith <[log in to unmask]>

>I'm looking for information on Col. William Campbell's Regiment
>that served in the Whiskey Rebellion during the fall of 1794.
>The man who built my house, Peter Elliott, was a private in
>Capt. John Stewart's Company, Maj. George Benn's Battalion
>of Col. Campbell's Regiment, according to a pay roll from
>Winchester, Virginia dated November 17, 1794.
>Note: This Col. William Campbell is not the one of Revolutionary
>War Fame....he died at the end of the Revolution (in 1783, I think).
>Thank you,
>Scott Smith
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Have you checked Slaughter's book on the Whiskey Rebellion?  I think that
this book (published several years ago) is considered to be authoratative.
Slaughter is at Rutgers.

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