As people write to Congressmen and others on this issue, they should
keep in mind that the mentioned Chairman Ernest J. Istook (R-Oklahoma)
is the same representative of the people who last year threatened to
jail D.C. Mayor Anthony Williams and members of the D.C. City Council if
they continued to fund the only full-service public hospital in the
nation's capital. Williams has caved, but the City Council has
unanimously resisted, gaining a backbone from a growing coalition
committed to making sure that government protects and promotes The
General Welfare mandated by the U.S. Constitution.
    We could almost facetiously contend that the reason Istook and his
fellow Nietzscheans are demanding the budget cuts for historical records
is that they don't want their great-grandchildren to be able to read of
their crimes.
    Remember, it's important to laugh at the current Administration of
budget cutters, because it is difficult to laugh and vomit at the same

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