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Discussion of research and writing about Virginia history <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 29 Sep 2008 13:38:22 -0400
Discussion of research and writing about Virginia history <[log in to unmask]>
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Herbert Barger <[log in to unmask]>
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The Walker Affair, as some refer to, was when he was single and young.
He also refers to this phase of his life being the only one based in
truth and he admitted it. However, I don't recall whether AGR tells the
reader about his next statement or not. He refers to a letter that was
sent to his Secretary of the Navy, Robert Smith, and a copy to Levi
Lincoln his Secretary of the Treasury in which he admits the Walker
affair but totally dismisses all the other rumors about him of that
time. Did AGR tell us this? 

I note also that Randolph Jefferson is mentioned only ONCE in the index
page in reference to pg. 402 in which TJ wrote to his brother only once
while in France and that TJ did not know how many children that Randolph
had. WOW what a ton of information when Randolph is the MAIN suspect.
NOW, she denies much information about Randolph but she denies it from
the reader as she did in her first book. Her friend, Prof. Joseph Ellis,
also neglects Randolph in his books...WHY? Randolph is the prime suspect
because the Eston family says he is their ancestor with matching DNA, TJ
invited Randolph to Monticello EXACTLY nine months prior to Eston's
birth, Randolph was "between wives"  during all of Sally's children and
when he married a 2nd time shortly after Eston was born, Sally had no
more children even though TJ was now there all the time. "Thomas
Jefferson and his UNKNOWN Brother" would be a good reading for all
concerned. There are many more reasons that AGR and Ellis wish to
"tiptoe" around Randolph.

Another finding regarding this study by Dr. Foster, is that a prime
source, as reported in several historical accounts, David Meade
Randolph, a TJ near relative and an ancestral grandfather to Dr Foster's
wife, Jane, who is a first cousin of TJ through the Randolph family, was
an arch enemy of TJ after he had relieved him of the duties as US
Marshall. Reports indicate that it was David Meade Randolph who was
furnishing Callender misinformation about TJ fathering slave children.
As a matter of record may we not see the pattern that 3 of David Meade
Randolph's children coincide with the names of Sally's children;
Harriet, Eston and Beverly (most unusual may we not think?) Was Sally
living around David Meade Randolph's home....NO proof that we definitely
know where she was living. SO, may some not wonder if old family grudges
follow on to this date? Why did Dr. Foster, husband of a descendant of
this  David Meade Randolph, find it necessary to test a known and
guaranteed match in the DNA Study and NOT inform Nature of this, over my
objections? WAS this intentional and has the entire test been slanted
and made to fit the mold that TJ fathered Sally's children, he owned
slaves, did he not, the main study topic of most of these authors
mentioned and their sponsors. Why did he and his sponsor, Mrs. Winifred
Bennett, part friendship and he admitted to her that HE wanted FAME and
she cancelled her book and he gave the study to a British Journal,
Nature. The real reason for the study was to prove or disprove the Carr
brothers claim that they fathered Sally's children. Yes, I have her
interview on tape.

Why did he lie to me in e-mails about the progress of the study and
tried to keep me in the dark. Yes, I have the conflicting e-mails. He
held the results for 5 months after receiving the results.........what
was happening (upcoming election and the Clinton impeachment) and he
told me he was informing and discussing with Dan Jordan, Monticello
President, the study. Why did Dan Jordan grab the science results, use
Dr Foster's "FEEBLE" historical comment (even though he admitted to me
that he knew nothing of history and leave that to others, add his own
brand of biased study "the simplest answer" would be that it was TJ and
the Monticello KEPT this bit of "wise Dr Foster history" in their study.
Foster and Dan Jordan DID NOT invite me to be present at the
announcement at Monticello as I had requested. I sent "tons" of my
research to Dr. Jordan, including a personal video in which I sit before
the camera for approximately 1 hour or more explaining the full details
and I asked him to let the study group view this. I have found no proof
that the study group ever saw any of my material. Why should they be
bothered because that group had already decided that TJ was guilty, as
reported in Dr. Ken Wallenborn's Minory Report that Jordan DELETED from
the original study release. I visited Jordan's office while the study
was in progress and inquired where my video was and he replied, in my
file drawer. 

Dear reader: In my opinion, this whole FIASCO involves many people with
ulterior motives BUT the suffering public believes that TJ is guilty
because of the ease that the media gets the AGR book and other deceptive
books out and the backing of a biased Monticello Report that Dr Jordan
"refuses" to correct. Just try to get a media outlet in Charlottesville
to publish "the other side story" and you will be reminded that "freedom
of the press" is restricted to those who hold the mike, camera and the
printing press....I KNOW. 

YES, I tell you Mr and Mrs American public, you are being "HOODWINKED."
Please face down Annette Gordon-Reed, Jon Kukla, Joseph Ellis, Alan Pell
Crawford, Dan Jordan at Monticello, Peter Onuf, Ellen Lewis and several
others and DEMAND proof of this inappropriate attack with unproven
remarks on Mr. Jefferson. They must be mining the front yard of Fawn
Brodie's yard and finding these "facts" under the rocks.........SHAMEFUL
authorship.......are there NO standards, I think so and let us act for
correction NOW?             

Herbert Barger
Jefferson Family Historian 


 When I asked if you had read all of Kukla's book, I was especially 
interested in your feelings towards Chapter 4, about Elizabeth Moore 
Walker - Betsy Walker whom Jefferson pestered over a span of ten or more

years, to be his lover. Kukla states on pg 55: "Jefferson's aggessive 
pursuit of Elizabeth Walker reflected a more predatory sexuality than
addolescent reverence that had characterized his tongue-tied obsession
Rebecca Burwell. No longer a student, .. [omission].. and acting out a
from the angey texts in his noteebooks -- the playwright Thomas Otway's 
lusty bull ranging through th efields, singling his female out and
and abandoning her "at Will".

Not only was the Betsy Walker one of the "scandals" brought to public
by your favorite "liar" James Callandar, but Jefferson even LIED his 
daughters about the reason that the friendship between the Jeffersons
the Walkers came to an end. Pg 236-7 contains the sources for this part
the book which includes letters from Walker and his statements.

Seems to me, Herb, that your throwing around the issue of LIES, could be

thrown back in your face, or Jefferson's if you prefer.


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