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Discussion of research and writing about Virginia history


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Thu, 6 Nov 2008 18:49:33 -0500
Discussion of research and writing about Virginia history <[log in to unmask]>
Mary Moyars-Johnson <[log in to unmask]>
Discussion of research and writing about Virginia history <[log in to unmask]>
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And the connection to Virginia history is?

Mary Moyars-Johnson  (MMJ)

On Nov 6, 2008, at 6:43 PM, Basil Forest wrote:

> (Is there a list of words that should not be used? If there is, why  
> are  they
> words at all?)
> Here are some of the unacceptable terms:
> Broken Home - Replaced by Dysfunctional  family.
> Bum - Replaced by Homeless Person.Calling a  person a "Bum" implies  
> that the
> person is a moocher that is too lazy to get a  job. Referring to  
> him as a
> "Homeless Person" removes this stigma, and implies  that he would  
> be a perfectly
> normal citizen if only the government would give  him a house.
> Crazy - Replaced by the term Mental Illness. And, since  it is an  
> illness, it
> may be treated in the same manner as other diseases  - with drugs.  
> Of course,
> this idea is nothing new ... people have been using  drugs to treat
> depression for centuries.
> Criminal - Replaced by  behaviorally challenged. This is one change  
> that
> makes sense. A lot of  the people in prisons today are not really  
> "criminals" in
> the classic sense.  Thanks to the "War on Drugs", there are a lot  
> of people in
> jail because they  failed to "behave" properly.
> Eastern (As when used when discussing  Asian Culture) - Too  
> Eurocentric.
> Instead, use Africa as your frame of  reference. When discussing  
> European culture
> you should now use the phase  "Northern", and when discussing Asia  
> use the
> phrase "North-Eastern". Now isn't  that better?
> Factory - Replaced by Plant. The word  Factory is a place where  
> mistreated
> laborers toil long hours to produce  pollution that billows forth  
> from gigantic
> smokestacks. The word Plant is  preferred since it is more  
> difficult for this
> term to carry a negative  connotation since this term is also used  
> to describe
> nature. Its counterpart  noun describes plant life (Plants, as in  
> flowers,
> shrubs, etc). And the  Verb form, to plant, is the process of  
> lovingly placing a
> seed in the  ground so it may one day grow into a mighty oak. Who can
> complain about having a  new plant in their backyard?
> Failure - Replaced by Deferred  Success.
> Fairy - Homophobic. Replaced by Petite airborne  humanoid which  
> possesses
> magical powers. The term fairy should be  avoided when discussing  
> these mythical
> beings, regardless of how gay they may  appear.
> Fat - Replaced by Enlarged physical condition caused by  a  
> completely natural
> genetically-induced hormone imbalance. Of course, this  is very  
> difficult to
> say in one breath-- so people will find it easier to not  say it at  
> all. The
> term "fat" is simply too short and to direct. It all too  clearly  
> points out
> that the reason that an obese person's skin appears so  swollen is  
> because it is
> being buttressed by large amounts of... well...  Fat.
> Foreign Food - Replaced by Ethnic Cuisine. The  word foreign is  
> generally
> used when one wishes to refer to something that  alien to ones own  
> country --
> something that is not normally found within  the jurisdiction of  
> your own
> particular political unit. But with the increasing  power of  
> multinational
> organizations (such as the U.N. and large corporations),  nothing  
> can be said to be
> truly 'foreign' anymore. In a world where you can find  a  
> McDonald's in Moscow, a
> Disneyland in Japan, or a single currency throughout  Europe, the word
> 'Foreign' is losing its meaning.
> The word 'ethnic' provides  a more accurate way to refer to these  
> cultural
> traits which are continually  growing fainter as we move away from  
> the world of
> the past, in which different  areas of the world were actually unique.
> Founding Fathers -  Too Sexist. Instead, use the term The Founders. We
> wouldn't want to  exclude all those great female leaders of 18th  
> century America who
> signed the  Declaration of Independence would we?
> Garbage Man - Replaced by  Sanitation Engineer – A Garbage Man  
> picks up
> garbage. A  Sanitation Engineer engineers it.
> Ghetto - Replaced by  Economically disadvantaged area. This term is  
> used by
> politicians who  believe money from the Government would solve  
> their problems.
> Girlfriend/Wife - Replaced by Unpaid sex  worker
> Handicapped - Replaced by Physically Challenged,  or even worse,  
> handicapable
> Home-ec (Home Economics) -  Replaced by Family and Consumer  
> Sciences, and I'm
> really not sure  why. These classes have been taught in school  
> since the
> early 1900's  after Ellen Swallow Richards, an old-time feminist  
> and the first
> woman to  graduate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,  
> formed the
> American  Home Economics Association in 1909. But I suppose that  
> the reason for
> the change  has something to do with the fact that Home-Ec is  
> generally
> considered a  'girly' class, and is therefore sexist.
> Housewife - Replaced by  Domestic Engineer. This is to remove the  
> necessity
> of marriage from the  task of raising children.
> Illegal Aliens – Replaced by  Undocumented Immigrants. The phrase  
> ‘Illegal
> Aliens’ implies that these  people are a bunch of law-breaking  
> creatures from
> outer space, while  ‘Undocumented Immigrants’ suggests that they  
> are good
> old-fashioned immigrants  that simply have not gone through the  
> hassle of being ‘
> documented’  yet.
> Janitor - Replaced by Custodial Artist. No matter what  you call  
> it, this is
> a person who is paid to clean up crap.
> Jungle  - Replaced by Rainforest. A Rainforest is a happy place  
> where  Disney
> characters dance and sing ... a jungle is a scary place with  
> lions,  tigers,
> malaria and natives that want to cut off your head and boil it for   
> dinner...
> who in their right mind would want to save  that!?!
> Lumberjack - Replaced by  Murderer.
> Man’s Job and Woman’s Work - Replaced by  Traditional Gender Role.  
> These are
> basic practices that are followed in  one form or another by most  
> of the life
> forms on this planet, and have been part  of human culture for  
> thousands of
> years… and as with most other ‘traditions’, a  lot of people  
> believe that it
> is time for a change.
> Midget -  Replaced by Vertically Challenged.
> Natural Disaster -  replaced by Unnatural Event caused by man's  
> destruction
> of the  environment. Every hurricane, mudslide, and flood should be  
> blamed on
> Global  Warming, even though these events have been occurring for  
> millions of
> years.  (I'm still waiting for somebody to blame the last Ice Age  
> on the
> campfires of  cavemen)
> Niggardly - A perfectly good word that dumb  people might get  
> confused with
> the bad word that has similar letters.
> Psycho - Replaced by Pathologically  High-Spirited
> Secretary - Replaced by Administrative  Assistant – The word  
> Secretary comes
> from Latin and means ‘Confidential  Officer’ – And for some unknown  
> reason
> this is a bad thing.
> Sex  Change - Replaced by gender re-assignment.
> Swamp -  Replaced by Wetland. Swamps are full alligators, bugs, and  
> disease.
> If  anybody went around saying that we need to "save the swamps",  
> people would
> think  they were out of their friggin' mind!
> Trailer Park - Replace by  Mobile Home Community.
> Ugly - Replaced by Visually  Challenging.
> White Trash - Losers of  European descent. Term still in  
> acceptance, although
> its counterpart term to  describe trash of the negro race has being
> eliminated.
> Basil Forest
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